welder tig

AalterIProduction I Bouw, constructie


Are you interested in working on various construction sites for clients in various sectors?

As a photo welder you are responsible for various industrial installations. 
Your tasks include:

Sticking together various components for industrial installations, especially pipeline systems.
This usually by TIG welding and on the basis of specific welding procedures.

You will sometimes perform these works in our prefab zone, but mainly on our various industrial sites.
These are located in East and West Flanders.

  • You have a technical degree in welding OR practical experience in this field
  • Especially the wide range of TIG welding and industrial assembly is important
  • Attention to safety and working according to quality procedures are self-evident for you
  • You are an European or have to right papers to work in Belgium
Are you the tig welder looking for a new challenge? Send your resume to kelly.degraeve@selecthr.beOrganisatie- en afdelingomschrijving For our client, an independent European leader in multi-technical services in energy and communications, Select is looking for a welder.

  • A good morning every morning
  • Doing your job in a safe environment, with attention to your well-being and that of your colleagues
  • Developing your technical skills, thanks in part to our numerous training courses
  • A listening ear for the exchange of ideas, in a healthy and constructive working atmosphere
  • Everything you need to do your job well, including support and guidance
*Deze functie staat open voor iedereen. Ongeacht gender, seksuele geaardheid, origine, filosofische of religieuze overtuiging, leeftijd of handicap.
Heb je nog vragen?
Kelly De Graeve Lead Consultant Technics +32 9 261 51 72
welder tig Vacature informatie
Productie & techniek I Bouw
Interim optie vast
Vacature delen of bewaren
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  • Je ontvangt doorgaans binnen 1 werkdag een persoonlijk bericht
  • Is er een match? Kennismaking, testen en interviews volgen daarna
  • Ziet iedereen het helemaal zitten? Dan volgt er een voorstel
  • Je nieuwe werkgever heet je van harte welkom
  • Loopt alles na je start vlot? We volgen het graag op
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